First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Cell Phone*
Is this your first experience fostering?
Do you own or rent?
Does your landlord allow pets?
Please list your landlord's name and phone (If Not Applicable please put "NA")*
Please let us know which types of dogs you are most interested in temping for Rescue Rovers. Breed, size, age, etc. This will help our team reach out to the right people.*
Do you have children under the age of 18 in your home? Please list ages and genders (this information is so we can match your home with dogs that will be a good fit.)*
Do you have cats in your home? If so, are they dog savvy and will they be interacting with your temporary foster?*
Do you have dogs in your home? If so, please list age, size and breed as well as if they enjoy interacting with other dogs. If your dogs have any behavioral issues that may impact interactions with a temporary foster, please let us know. *
Where will the foster be kept while you are out?*
Do you have a yard that your temporary foster will have access to? If so, is the yard securely fenced? If not, how do you plan to take your temporary foster out for potty breaks?*
I agree to keep any temporary foster dog safe in my home for the specified amount of time. If I have any questions or problems during the period in which I am caring for the dog, I will reach out to my Rescue Rovers contact.
Electronic Signature - Please type your full name indicating that you have read and understand the above agreement.*
© 2013 by RESCUE ROVERS.